alchemical marriage stagesalchemical marriage stages

Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, Alchemical authors sometimes elaborated on the three or four color model by enumerating a variety of chemical steps to be performed. Truth is multidimensional, for this reason we are only designed to align with truth to the best of our capacity at this level of being, however that doesnt mean the revelations ever cease, its only a matter of whether we allow higher grades of truth to permeate us or not. An example of this phase is the threshold beyond ordinary awareness called the Witness space. Or bends with the remover to remove: The process of separation involves rediscovering our authentic self or feelingsfor a person. The subatomic particles animating our soul have reorganized to this truth. [5] Other color stages are sometimes mentioned, most notably the cauda pavonis (peacock's tail) in which an array of colors appear. WebThe original process philosophy has four stages: nigredo, the blackening or melanosis; albedo, the whitening or leucosis; citrinitas, the yellowing or xanthosis; rubedo, the reddening, purpling, or iosis; The origin of these four phases can be traced at least as far back as the first century. The use of this ritual dates back to several centuries and has its roots entrenched in many ancient cultures. Do it so that the child heals. However, it is possible to understand the alchemical process in terms of four basic stages, this being most useful when starting out as an "alchemical beginner" and in trying to relate it to the psychotherapeutic process. The Chinese yin and yang sign illustrates the dark and the light. The magnum opus has been carried forward in New Age and neo-Hermetic movements which sometimes attached new symbolism and significance to the processes. Spiritually there has been no need to gather anymore for the ongoing planetary cycle of changes we are experiencing. As per Carl Jung, there are two main psychological senses. This represents our transition to spirit through the volatilization of the spiritual fire. This allows the seeds of enlightenment to deeply penetrate the vessel. This operation takes place in the Earth element since it is the first materialization of embodiment in the great work. In alchemy, the seven classical planetary bodies shared a relationship known as sympathy with their corresponding metals: The Sun, The Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn were signified as the gradients Gold, Silver, Iron, Mercury, Copper, Tin, and Lead. We now seek to surrender the contents of our former identity and rectify all of our remaining cognitive dissonance as we incubate inside our cocoon of deep introspection. During Coagulation, the alchemists heart has awakened, and unconditional love is discovered to be no mere sentiment, but the very fabric of reality. Without realization, acceptance, and harmony of inner truths, the separation between masculine and feminine forms increases. Sometimes they have a bird symbolizing The Uniting in spirit, which hovers above them, giving them the spiritual blessing of the revered union. Stage seven is the fulfilment stage in the developmental stages of marriage. You are on the road to shifting your paradigms from 3D ego based to 5D consciousness. Alchemy is known as theSpagyric Art, meaning to separate, and recombine.This stage utilizes the element Air as it filters through our two natures, true essence and the programmed self, separating the subtle from gross matter. Twin Flame Teacher Descriptions of alchemical processes often describe the reactions of sulfur and mercury. A battle of wills is taking place where in order for the mystic to progress any further, their enduring shadow aspects must be truthfully assessed and assimilated. This kind of spiritual gifting happens often with karmic partners. From this perspective we can clearly see why the majority of people would not voluntarily choose to sacrifice their worldly existence to embark down the path of the Magician. Stage seven, the golden years, will last until one of you leaves the earth. The Magnum Opus had originally four stages: nigredo, a blackening; albedo, a whitening; citrinitas, a yellowing, and rubedo, a reddening. The alchemical marriage between the inner king and queen symbolizes equilibrium between the feminine dimensions of consciousness, intuition, and emotion, and the masculine dimensions of consciousness, intellect, and logic. This confirms that you are on the right track of your spiritual transformation. Thats why we often find it hard to raise our vibrations if we let ourselves get out of balance with our mind, body, and soul trinity. Water is the element of intuition, the unconscious, and feelings, its higher nature is the sea of consciousness that is manifested into energy in motion (Emotion). It is possibly the most revered powerful union among souls and also the most imitated. At this stage, however, we catch a glimpse of a more refined, authentic self. Euphoriais the experience of pleasure or excitement and intense feelings of well-being and happiness. The salvaged ashes of the psyche from calcination are submerged in water to thoroughly clear our vital life force from the remaining grip of the conditioned self. Unfortunately, this has left many confused souls across the planet, wondering what happened to my Twin Flame Union? Hopefully, this will be the longest stage of marriage! The esoteric dimensions of this step are the reducing of the individuals programmed, egoic self into ashes. How Long Does Twin Flame Separation Last? This stage can be likened to the rebirth of the phoenix from its own ashes. We have such peace; we are mindful to start our day with intention, and thanks. All remaining fragments of the ego are being filtered in the process of distillation, exalting our core aspects into their generative principles. That only feminine energy comes from a female, and masculine energy only generates for males. The flooring is checkered, representing the forces of light and darkness in harmonious balance. It is this same energy system that provides us with our Makeba energy chariot. My findings could not explain The Twin Flame Stages then, and three years later, I still do not teach nor believe there is one. Number 12 is a very auspicious number dating back to the Biblical Times. Each alchemist had their own variation on the operations to completing the great work. They stand on a sun and moon, respectively. 11 11 Meaning: Do You Keep Seeing This Unusual Number. The leveling up from carbon to crystalline, bringing humanity into the Golden age, allows more and more to become alchemists. Within his bending sickle's compass come: The blocks are often a combination of past life and this lifes trauma and wounds, both on subconscious and conscious level. If you have missed my earlier articles on Law of Attraction, links to Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV are here. Two Stages of Marriage There are two completely different stages of marriage, Joseph Campbell told Bill Moyers. This is the esoteric meaning of the seven stages: Calcination: The initiation into higher states of consciousness is always done by subtracting rather than adding. Multiplicationis the process used to increase the potency of the Philosophers Stone. Calcination is a decomposition or breaking down from ego, shame, fear, old paradigms, old patterns, old beliefs, past life trauma, subconscious to conscious trauma into the higher consciousness. Alchemy is known as the Spagyric Art, meaning to separate, and recombine. This stage utilizes the element Air as it filters through our two natures, true essence and the programmed self, separating the subtle from gross matter. They are yin and yang, dark and light, feminine and masculine; duality is in each of us. The alchemists had the notion of unus mundus a unifying cosmic ground in which both matter and psyche (soul) participate. Coagulation process is when a new confidence that is beyond all things, though many experience it as a Second Body of Golden Coalesced Light, a permanent vehicle of consciousness that embodies the highest aspirations and evolution of mind. WebThe original process philosophy has four stages: nigredo, the blackening or melanosis; albedo, the whitening or leucosis; citrinitas, the yellowing or xanthosis; rubedo, the reddening, purpling, or iosis; The origin of these four phases can be traced at least as far back as the first century. Energy Transmutation Alchemical Marriage Expressed, Alchemical Marriage and Mystical Theories, spiritual and emotional turmoil is allowed to fester, one cannot muster the spiritual energy, Mirror Soul Meaning | Twin Flames Stages And Signs, Twin Flame Eye Contact Is a Powerful Connection The 10 Signs. The most precious material concerning the alchemist is essence, this is the aspect connected to the soul. Alchemys primary objective is the possibility of mutation by liberating the soul from its adhesion to matter. The transmutation into this element is what will facilitate our ascension to higher dimensions. It is the star to every wandering bark, Webthe solar red alchemical rose. The alchemical marriage between the inner king and queen symbolizes equilibrium between the feminine dimensions of consciousness, intuition, and emotion, and the masculine dimensions of consciousness, intellect, and logic. That looks on tempests and is never shaken; Conjunction: Conjunction is the reuniting of the soul and body after the purification of fire, water, and air that it underwent in the first three phases. Our alchemical wedding took place in the combined 5th-dimensional energy field when we met. From this perspective we can clearly see why the majority of people would not voluntarily choose to sacrifice their worldly existence to embark down the path of the Magician. Webthe solar red alchemical rose. The Stages of Alchemy Each alchemist had their own variation on the number of operations to completing the great work. Some people are alchemists in their own right; others hook up with one or two people can form a union and become an alchemic marriage together. Alchemy is known as the Spagyric Art, meaning to separate, and recombine. This stage utilizes the element Air as it filters through our two natures, true essence and the programmed self, separating the subtle from gross matter. The second process of individuation is experienced by painful growing awareness of shadow aspects through massive spiritual healing. The flooring is checkered, representing the forces of light and darkness in harmonious balance. Cosmic law requires that we must first define our own unique idenity in the whole of God/Source before we can completely unclock the spiritual and energetic potential of our TwinFlames. [8] Ripley's steps are given as:[9], In another example from the sixteenth century, Samuel Norton gives the following fourteen stages:[10], Some alchemists also circulated steps for the creation of practical medicines and substances, that have little to do with the magnum opus. Nothing is more central to the subject of alchemy than The Great Work or, Magnum Opus, the transformative work of redeeming the subtle from the gross, combining the celestial with the terrestrial, which is repeated in a circulatory process until it matures to the highest level of refinement producing the philosophers stone. Rather than reverting to the old habit of dutifully trying to forgive or forget, you face your dragon and demons here and meet them in the eye. Heal your past today. The appearance of the aforementioned androgynous figure comes up in mythology, astrology, and tarot. Eventually their souls merged with their real spiritual self, and in this alchemical marriage, they ascended back to the heart of God. This stage can be likened to the rebirth of the phoenix from its own ashes. The most important characteristic of this element is that it holds all the information of creation, both celestial and terrestrial, stored within its mercurial waters. The Sacred Marriage. The body is material and the soul spiritual. WebThis is the beginning stages of the process from lead based ego to gold consciousness, the beginning of ones Soul Alchemy. This is the esoteric meaning of the seven stages: Calcination: The initiation into higher states of consciousness is always done by subtracting rather than adding. I also expressed that I will seek to find Him, if He would give guidance.. Ive always been a loving, caring person, and I opened my heart to this process and everywhere I turned the guidance was there. The quota of united twin flames reached maximum capacity about two years ago. Fermentation: One wouldnt traditionally think of decay as a form of cleansing, but much like the Phoenix eternally dying unto itself so that it can be reborn from its ashes, fermentation provides the necessary decomposition that will allow it to occupy a higher level of being. It also shapes what we will receive. In this field we are drawn out of identification with the character we play and become the awareness behind the character: the one who simply witnesses the thoughts and feelings as they arise with no vested interest or judgment. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. Do not spend your time nor energy on watching or reading any articles on this subject. Most often this happens after one is awakened to the Twin Flame journey. Alchemys primary objective is the possibility of mutation by liberating the soul from its spiritual amnesia which created an adhesion to matter. The masculine and feminine forces of nature have synthesized within the mystic, transmuting them into their Higher Self. Water is also an expression of Mercury which, esoterically, is the true universal solvent. Learn Religions. You are better off listening to self-help books or reading other Twin Flame Articles. Our body, mind, and soul are the substance being concentrated for this duration to affirm their integrity. In order to cultivate the essence, the mystics whole being is aerated. In illustrations, it is depicted as courtship and sex. It is a purification and making more subtle of all terrestrial and heterogeneous parts, and giving them a perfection from which they were deprived of, or rather to release the chains that kept them in imprisonment and prevented them from growing from lifetimes. Up until now, Angus and Saint Germain were explained. To be an alchemist means you have the power to transmute something ordinary into something spectacular in a seemingly mysterious way. O no! The alchemical journey is the backdrop to all of our lives. The product of the sacred union is the incorruptible philosophers stone, the embodied I am presence. In contrast, much like the caterpillars transformation into a butterfly reflected in Fermentation, alchemy is none other than the willing participation in our own demise. There are occasions we do witness them naked, holding hands, or sometimes looking at each other with their yearning gaze. Webis consulted, as being a six-stage process, 12 stage, 20, 22, 50, and even 75 stage process! When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. The Queen, however, says "O Sol, I must submit to thee." The process can be split into two: putrefaction and spiritualization. If they are wearing crowns and the sun is above his head and the moon above her head. This is accomplished through the redemption, purification, and unification of the seekers prima materia, or consciousness. This is the part of the great work where we begin operating from a higher intelligence. This is achieved by the reconfiguration and synthesis of the persons elements: water, earth, air, and fire into the spiritual Quintessence. WebThis is the beginning stages of the process from lead based ego to gold consciousness, the beginning of ones Soul Alchemy. Stage 1 - Alchemical Union (2D-4D Astral Relationship, Ancestral miasma, Sexual amplification, Karmic issues, Past timeline memories, Phantom matrices, False Ascension Matrix, Black Magician trauma or Astral Dark Arts Training, Negative Forms or Clones, Egyptian Trauma, Lemurian Trauma, Inner Child trauma, Telepathic, One runs south to north in a loop, and the other runs north to south in a loop. Calcination is usually a natural humbling process as we are gradually overcome trials and tribulations of life, though it can be a deliberate surrender of our fiery ignition through self-introspection and self-evaluation from a Souls perspective. Each alchemist had their own variation on the number of operations to completing the great work with 4, 7 and 12 stages being the most common amount that was applied. Thank you and much blessings. We need a balance of the two depending on our situation. This kind of picture and similar renditions tell us what an alchemical marriage should look like when you are in one. Hermetically, this represents the birth of the fifth element within us: the quintessence. WebTwin Flames and The Alchemical Marriage The Union of the Twin Flames is the ultimate Alchemical Marriage. We accept our alchemic wedding vows, and the responsibility attached to them is a massive spiritual gift for a soul to receive. The tools I used, were anything from a Crystal ball to the sacred tarot.. My experience was/ is otherworldly, personal and a Consciousness change of eyes and ears opened.. in conclusion, I had no idea from the start, till present,what was to be, and what was to occur My journey remains ongoing, and I pray, that this information is Enlightening to one, if not many individuals.. Distillation: Distillation is the boiling of the liquified ferment until it evaporates to steam, condenses, and descends to a more refined state of liquid.

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