bts reaction to taking you from behindbts reaction to taking you from behind

For years, Namjoon was writing a book. Your lips curved into a crooked smile. Jungkook pulled his sweaty hair back with one hand and smirked down at you. I mean, we could just use a sharpie baby.. Mind if I join you? He said with a smirk on his face, causally leaning against the doorframe. Will you all do something special for me? Jungkook calls, spinning to cast his eyes around the arena. Baby are you sure you want it like that? bts reaction to taking you from behind Final Installment of: BTS Victims vs. Savage BTS- A Whos Behind You Saga (Continues)? "Especially with you." You heard him mumble from behind his phone, making the biggest grin spread onto your lips. They wont be good because Were going to be too busy to take proper ones., Do you think I care? Ill give it some thought. You heard your uncle agree. I know youll see this. He wouldnt be caught dead gushing over you in front of them. Yoongi would probably be nervous and feel a little bit uncomfortable with introducing you to his family. I thought I can handle it, but youre obviously too big. It didnt cross Jungkooks mind that maybe you didnt see him since he sat across the room, he immediately felt that you were ignoring him. Im going to miss you okay? Lately, you had been on a rollercoaster of emotions. Id like that a lot actually. You both stayed in an embrace for only a second longer when youre eye caught sight of the time which made you gasp and pull away. I know I dont deserve it but He trails off, eyes wide and fearful. Bye jagiya.. You know how badly I want kids, Y/N. He would gush, hiding behind his phone resuming his photo taking. She is trying to smother me I swear! On top of it, you kept eye contact with him and your angelic looking face while you were being so naughty made him almost lose his mind. You flip on the main lights as you go, heading straight for the back room. After you met them and got along Get in here. You didnt even finish your sentence, when he had already striped of his cloths to join you. the pressure gets to heavy and he would be afflicted with doubts about himself You pull the covers up over your head in an attempt to try and pretend like youre any closer to sleep than you were 2 hours ago when you got into bed. Believe me, I know", you mumbled, more to yourself, already by the door of his studio, angry at yourself for taking this so hard. Its different to your normal work. You refuse to huddle down and let this ruin you, which is why you confine your sadness and dysfunction to night times only. At least if youve turned the screen away from yourself, you cant jump up every time the flashes across it, making it look as if its lit up again. "Do not cry. BTS Reaction: They find you asleep backstage The flight had been tiring, paired up with the fact that the time difference wasn't exactly small, you struggled to keep your eyes open. stepped into the shower and wraped his arms around you from behind. Ah, crap really? You groaned at the announcement and quickly hugged him as warm (and as long) as possible and planted a kiss on his cheek. so i hope you do, too if you have reaction or scenario requests, always feel free to hit my askbox <3 No doubt about it. Not even a name. The smile he sent your way didnt help either. Im not mad at you. You were planning to surprise him by bringing him his favorite food at the studio. Fine, but if it becomes too much and youre not comfortable, were stopping. Youre still stuck in the kitchen, holding a mug so tight its groaning and threatening to break. How excited are you for Jimin's album? He would pat your head It smells amazing, you whispered, trailing your hands along his spine gently. An employee of Korail has admitted that he checked his personal information for non-work purposes think its hot that youre not the casual type but like those nerdy things. We put stuff on the top shelf for a reason. Hey Im not that short! You were pretty sure it was Jungkooks father; Lee. Jimin waved his hand, telling you to come closer if you wanted help. His art. And suddenly the reason for your overall state became so clear for you that you couldnt believe it had taken you so long to see. Well do it but Im not going to rush things, I want you to be comfortable so bring that pretty little ass of yours over here. Jungkook., Jimin So the night after dance practice he went straight to the bedroom you two shared. His last step was to address ARMY personally through Vlive. . Maybe we should head to the bathroom then? He would whisper in easily turned on as well but find it rather uncomfortable in public. Thats what you love most about this. Get out of here. You tore him out of his dirty thought he had And of course, he felt bad. if you overhear your partner talking shit about you behind your back, you better confront them about it. Final Installment of: BTS Victims vs. Savage BTS- A Whos Behind You Saga (Continues). Youre enjoying that, right?, You were busy cutting the vegetables as Hoseok came closer from behind with his eyes fixed on your neck. It may be selfish, but I also hope youll reach out in the way Im too afraid to do. Until one day you simply asked for it. your spare time. These are the Shit Yoongi! Thats plenty of time (Y/N). How can you be so chill about this? As soon as he came home, he had pinned you to the wall and kissed your neck. Yoongi would turn the idea away, it wasnt that he didnt want to but it was more so he didnt see the need to try it. CNN . His hands would actually shake, gripping on to your hips tightly as he positioned himself behind you. They didnt act like a couple, but who knows. confused. He Youve tried. You only have two minutes! Todays special pastry is going to be churros, and you know its going to smell even better. But you didnt need to as Hoseok pressed himself hard against you and lips locking instantly. Youd go to the gym and try and burn off some of the stress left over from your nightmare before you woke him up and interrogated him. you his little Hacker Jagi. He'd kiss your cheeks as you cuddled, wrapping his arms around you and making you lean on his chest. He looked sorry, kissing your temple. Youre so strong! BTS REACTION TO YOUR FIRST TIME JUNGKOOK Yo are going to be in an intense make out session while the things turn another way around, he will take his shirt off and place you under him and you make him stop. As he wants to have a big family himself one day, he would ask you a lot about your child and would find it admirable how you would be hard to tell if hes feeling sad, because he would likely hide it You werent affected by his words because they sounded light-hearted unlike Taehyungs. Whats wrong? You asked when you noticed him stretching his back out. Im so sorry baby, I didnt mean any of that I was just irritated! Originally posted by dearbangtansonyeondan. would love to meet your child one day. He would say and would ask you if you You abruptly stopped and took him out of your mouth. . Weird. I think you meant a little too well. You murmured, still panting and coughing. Wassup? you said between wet kisses, but Jungkook didnt answer you. The movie you two were supposed to watch suddenly wasnt that interesting anymore, as Yoongi felt adrenaline run up and down his veins. You stepped out of the dressing room and showed yourself to Namjoon. He butt dialled you (ironic I know), at first you found it really funny until you heard what he was talking about. Ill see you soon okay? Were already late, Another swipe of your hand over his head and you finally satisfied with how he looked and nodded to yourself. Uhm. At some point though, you two just started laughing about the situation. No dont worry, love. he needs you when hes feeling down. I want to know whats going on. Wooaaa! As you entered the office, you noticed and man sitting across from Shewan. Get out of here." You tore him out of his dirty thought he had right now but it was to late. I lied., You scanned the screen for Yoongis flight timings and saw that he only had a mere 15 minutes to check in. Hes not thinking clearly, Tae thought to himself, usually Jin was smarter than this. you dont EVER have to improve yourself, because the real you is the perfect you. probably dont have much time for yourself, but thats totally worth it if you Bts Reaction To Taking You From Behind | Final Installment Of: Bts Victims Vs. Savage Bts- A WhoS Behind You Saga (Continues) 27654 , Video Url link:, | ! He pulled them down your arms, gently tickling your skin, and threw the bra away. Namjoon looked at you in silence before smiling "You look amazingYou really do.". As yet another groan came from Yoongi as he sat at his laptop, you knew that you had to do something before he ended up breaking down. Hes never been in love with someone like he is with you and his number one job, in his eyes, was to ensure that you would never get hurt by him or anybody else. I still dont want to go without you., Sighing to yourself, you leaned down to kiss the tip of his nose. Its not you who needs to apologize, a comforting voice said lovingly as two warm arms embraced you from behind. He was the little things that kept you smiling. But next time, just stop. Or of anything really. inside the bathroom after he heard loud music coming from it. Jimin, your brother is like, right there. You chuckled as you tried to escape his kiss. So if anyone should be ashamed, it should be him for not having his libido under control. He playfully looked up and wiped his lips with his hand. It gives you a sense of nostalgia that you cant shake, and it speaks to you in an odd way. He would know that You were finally done vomiting and exhaustedly leaned back with your head resting against the cold wall. Sweetie. He would turn around Y/n. You looked up to see your uncle standing in your door way, it was strange since he usually didnt come up to your room. Maybe shes dating one of them?. Hes a bit of a train wreck when it comes to drugs, but hes a smart guy. It feels like pain and longing. Namjoon sat back in his chair, looking at the picture on his desk of him and his family. a little bit nervous about it as he dont want to mess things up. Because you wanted me to change, right? you still grinned, but were having that passive aggressive undertone now. BTS Reaction To You Getting Attacked By Sasaeng Fans, BTS Reaction To You Wanting To Get A Tattoo Of Their Name, BTS Reaction To You Having Lots Of Guy Friends, BTS Reaction To You Struggling Financially, BTS Reaction To You Always Cuddling The Other Members (Hyung Line), He would give you compliments, show off, and buy you gifts (even after you told him a billion times you dont want him to buy you anything), But hes done that from the very first time you met so you suspected nothing, Hes been your best friend for years, you would get used to it at some point, He tries to express himself through buying you things and taking you out to dinner, He would eventually get frustrated and blurt out his confession, Every individual across your country could hear him confessing his feelings, After blushing and sweating for 30 minutes afterwards, he would beat himself up internally for losing his cool and wait for your response. As the warm, sweet salty liquid dripped into your mouth, you could already tell it was on its way back out. You better call whenever you can or else Ill ship myself to whatever country youre in. The threat was light and not really a threat but you dont want to end up crying right now. Wouldnt it be rude to just go and have sex in a storehouse? and kiss your forehead. Its almost painful now to turn on your phone and see No New Notifications waiting for you. He wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead. I dont know how long Ill be able to resist fucking you into that mattress He always joked that hed release it under his birth name, because it was so personal. Your cheekswere high and rosy and your eyes crinkled at the sides. This isnt right. You had to be quiet you were in public, but that didnt stop you from silently moaning the sentence Thats the spot~ Dont stop~. If you couldnt recognise Jins handwriting after how long you spent together, who even are you? Jungkook guessed it was safer for you that way, but had always felt bad about you being locked in the house all the time. Seeing things from the perspective of others, and not always agreeing with what you find. The next day a statement was released from the company announcing the incident and the consequences that would come. With a deep breath, you turn around to face Vante. and say that you have the same eyes. Jimin sat with a small smug on his lips as you tried to put on your bra from behind, and failed each time. You barely even glance in, about to walk away when a small package catches your eye. the choreo was with your hands over your head what caused your shirt to slide He just felt a mixture of all possible emotions at once as he held your small form in his arms. He would Tae, what are you doing? You would whisper, trying not to wake up the baby. Your eyes lit up as you walked down the stairs to see Jin stood over the cooker, humming along to the music that played in the background. This could have been the best night of your life and it was just destroyed by your own body. You though, felt him slowly thrusting to deep and because you werent used to it, your gag reflex couldnt be suppressed anymore. My God, what happened just now? He wouldnt believe My eyes are up here. You said to him in a cold voice, pulling your hand away from him. up and down, trying to hang those jackets up. I also wrote on the perspective on the reader . You dont want it to. You rubbed your eyes, trying not to think about the image of your parents dead on the floor from your dream last night. I know Yoongi. Here let me help you. You let out a squeak as he lifted you up to sit on his shoulders. He was carrying you to bed when you fell asleep. Something was off he could feel it. The melody is something he wrote for you in the early days of your relationship. He said there was room for negotiation as well. Said Shewan. I should have been more careful. When you came home with multiple scratches and bruising painting your face and body, he didnt even have to ask what happened he just pulled you in his arms and promised to make them pay. your best to cover up the spots, by wearing a big hoodie that didnt show any He immediately walked up behind you and places his hands on your waist. However, what you didnt know was that Hobi liked you too much to just let you walk off like that. I have the most adorable jagi in the world., Jungkook came home from practice to find you standing on the counter top and he instantly burst out into laughter. It was weird. An hour or so later, you curl up on your couch with a hot cup of tea. . He nods slowly, gazing unseeingly into the flowing water. Is this how you react to my help? he spat. Both of your legs laid on his shoulders as he licked you all dry. Or at the least, have you come with me., You sighed out as you soften your features and looked at him with the little sadness you were willing to expose right now. Its fine. Keep your phone turned on. His legs next to your sides quivered. Wow! Its the end of the concert, and everyone is tired, but he cant let this go. This is way too cute for me not to take pictures. : He saw that you were nervous about meeting his family and assured you that they He hadnt asked them to run any errands and there werent any business plans set to take place today. I just dont see why, I have two places that my dick can go already and Im quite happy with those, I dont need a third. You moved over to the bed and sat down with your back facing him. Alright. He lifted you up and pushed away all his jewellery aside from a table, and laid you there. The next few days were quiet around the mansion. You shoot him an incredulous look and he instantly bursts out laughing at you. I wouldnt even think of it.. have to punish you later. After you responded that you wouldnt mind he would You didnt understand why he would talk about you behind your back. Y/N, stop it, I cant handle you like this. He would complain. Two weeks has passed, it was getting easier to be less clingy. But one painting stands out more than anything else in the room. wear this turtleneck shirt yesterday as well? Your boyfriend asked you. You took in his sleeping frame, he looked so young and innocent when he was sleeping. Next time tell me and Ill join you, but now I have to look for I mean. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. He was distant because of you, it was your fault. He/She looks so cute with those chubby cheeks. Its 9:30. You told him, checking your phone. You were about to end the call but you heard Tae say something else. It didnt take him long to figure out there was something off. open and Jimin tried to cover you up. You were trying your best to just ignore that upcoming sickness and swallowed back your gags as much as you could, but ultimately you had to pause. Listen! He made sure a lawsuit was put in place and he isolated himself from the internet and public events to stay with you and make sure you knew he would be there whenever you needed him from now on. How old is she/he already? Your alarm goes off with a harsh buzz, making you wince as youre rudely woken. One minute you were feeling super happy and hyped and in the next you were grieving for no particular reason. You turned around and raised an eyebrow. You dont want to hear the new song. You never texted unless he did, you never called, only picked up his calls and you never stopped by until he specifically asked you to, or stopped by himself. Jungkook is super loyal and would never hurt you like that. Whats the fun in that? Join on Patreon to give priority requests + watch extra first time BTS Music reactions, Run BTS! Just relax, you whispered into his ear, beginning to scratch your hands gently along his back. Can you come back over and tickle my back whilst I cook? I also have a psycho!jk writing in my drafts (I forgot which one of my mutuals requested it, Im so sorry) but I will try to finish it this week if I can get my brain to start functioning properly. Just remember to not overwork yourself okay? You were about to lead him away towards his gate so he could get on in time but Jungkook stayed still, not moving from his place. He would watch you with a bright You wanted to tell them to go back to bed and dont worry, but you were too weak to even get out a word. This man would absolutely adore your clinginess. Im probably going to miss you so much when Im away, Id rather be happy with you right now. You melted at his words. As he felt your hands scratch against all the small knots in his back, Hobi instantly began to feel relief. Paturzo founded Bangtan Moms . You really look alike.. He had been missing you too, though the action you pulled didnt help the problem he had been having since his mind had been filled with you the whole day. Maybe I should join you?, His hands slid under your shirt pulling it over your head to reveal your bikini marks. Down his veins be suppressed anymore dysfunction to night times only dream last night under! The best experience on our website actually shake, gripping on to your hips tightly as he licked you dry. Trying not to take proper ones., Do you think I care bursts out laughing at you it rude! Interesting anymore, as yoongi felt adrenaline run up and pushed away all his jewellery aside from a,... On our website obviously too big but now I have to look for I mean out... Not to think about the situation you had been on a rollercoaster of emotions on our.. 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