delphi murders witness listdelphi murders witness list

Body locations in both crimes suggested that the suspect had a familiarity with the area surrounding the park. I do not see how the cops can say that the public is not in any danger. Remember LE were looking for a backpack early on though. Or, if it was Mr X, walk through the woods up to the truck parked at the cemetery and change clothes there. (. In both cases, they had been stalked and taken off public trails before the bodies were found. Bodies were left in depressions in both cases. I did not witness them talk first hand, but I heard she told him some pretty wild stuff that she was either trolling him with, or if true, is just flat bizarre. I have the transaction number if you would like it. Instead I am saying this might be part of it. He says that was corroborated by another woman in the search party, but who knows? -BG says, Hey, followed by Down the hill. (Obviously we know he said guys.). It says that the killing of one girl was so severe that the blood splatter would have been so great as to leave him drenched in blood. In addition, the group just got a brand new lead yesterday from someone directly involved in the investigation! Today could be the day. They torture them and drink their adrenochrome blood. For one thing, Klunders MO and the Evansdale killers were completely different. Carter added the probable cause affidavit. The only reason they would want to do ballistics tests is if they had a cartridge from the gun. Plus, someone is likely to remember if a man was carrying a big stuffed animal into the woods. There were a shocking number of items staged with that crime scene. There are so many Luciferians. She would have turned into a really good young lady.'. At one point I said that I was concerned about PB, and boy was I trashed for setting out a reasoned argument for why I thought it, so I just gave up because so many feel that they are the font of all the accurate information and are not willing to consider other viewpoints, and thats where it becomes very dangerous territory. He did it for the God-like feeling of power it gave him. This guy is like a hungry anaconda about to strike 8 to 14 year old girls at any time. Lets assume Evansville and Delphi are connected. Are you a member of our private site? There is a rumor of a knife in a tree at Evansdale too. LE point of view where it seems much easier for us to take action and gather the evidence as we go. She was at Level 1 or 2 and no higher. Like the guy who told searchers the area was already searched and kind of barred them from searching. Yes. They snapped a photograph of the man and recorded audio in which he was heard telling them to go 'down the hill'. They were not yet looking at a recovery or evidence-gathering stage until the next day. Although this is an unverified rumor, it does have the advantage of explaining the odd interest LE had in hatchet criminals in this case. Jeff Altmeyer was arrested and charged with trying to entice children a crime that he had apparently been committing all over Iowa. Hi Paul! We know this because we have an official case document that states this. Indeed, nobody has been charged for the murders of Delphi eighth-graders that occurred on Feb. 13, 2017, while they were hiking along a remote trail. This ties in with one of the worst rumors of all, that one girl was stabbed her stomach/abdomen and she was partly disembowled. I do not know whether she was played the tape or not possibly she was. The girls were found five months after they were abducted and the bodies were in very bad shape, mostly skeletons. Delphis high bridge was likely known to more folks than people let on like Seven Bridges. According to DE, Liberty was nude and Abigail was clothed and her hands folded. We have an official case document, a search warrant, and it states that right there where they are looking for blood-soaked clothes with bloodstains, visible and not visible, as it says. He had served in the National Guard between 1977 and 1983, and was by all accounts a pretty regular guy. While he does meet the definition of a serial killer, he is also patient and methodical about his kills. When safety doesn't come first! Who is MH? In the Delphi and now Evansdale cases, your info makes the most sense. Hundreds of investigators from across the state have been working around the clock for the last several weeks to find their killer. Charles Eldridge Randolph County, IN man arrested for child molestation. This is just their idea of a good time. I have seen all of the LE pressers but I cant recall when and where they made the aforementioned comment advising the parents to be abreast of their childrens social contacts and internet musings. BG knew the bridge extremely well. Both crimes occurred in daylight hours (afternoon). Im going to guess another very small town in Indiana. But of course, this is Greeno so take it with a grain of salt. I read somewhere in your blog that one of the girls had an F carved in her chest. Even after the arrest of a suspect on Oct. 26, police have declined to answer most questions about the case, saying they don't want to jeopardize the prosecution. And in addition, as noted in other posts, we now have a detective in Indians who is feeding us information. There is a rumor that an unusual knife was used in the crime. I think that is not a good rumor. A knife appears to be plunged into either one girls shoulder or the log in back of her. Nothing else he said is contradicted in the photos. People who are genuinely trying to direct people in one direction or another is an entirely different thing, and it needs to be looked at closely. You were always one of my favorite members in the private group. Remember, this was search and rescue at the time. I imagine kids have been going out there for decades as well as undesirable folks as well. It was posted by a good friend of mine. Thing is, I am told that the SPA and SPB have never met each other. My aunt was in Eastern Star, and she was the most God-loving woman youd ever meet. The bloody clothes not being seen by witnesses are a mystery for sure. Pristine area where the bodies were found. Remember when it said that he may be unusually interested in numbers?. For five years, the murders of 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German have hung over Delphi, ghosts that couldn't be put to rest. You can join our group. 'I had to learn about the whole case overnight and am appalled to know what happened to those poor girls. The vehicle was seen between the hours of Noon-5:00pm on February 13, 2017. The most sensible thing to do would be to set them on fire. To say otherwise will sabotage the case in court if an arrest is made in one case but not the other. To go through with what he did knowing he had been spotted is almost unthinkable. I happen to think Leaker is credible and I think his leak may have been controlled by LE. In addition, this very same woman also spoke to another woman who I work closely with Team Member A (TMA). I really missed seeing your thoughts and insights posted glad youre back! I personally place a lot of credibility in the DE texts. Not sure which girl died first, but based on the violence, Libby almost certainly fought like crazy. It certainly explains some nutty things about this case that make no sense. Strange objects were placed around both sets of bodies. Also had an alleged adult mistress who he befriended at 11 years old. Keep up the great work! Mark McClellan Mother stated on social media that he is working with the FBI to solve the Delphi Murders. He said he and Cody Patty, who are friends, were at work that day. It appears that a foot print at the scene matched the pattern of the workboots used there. People have a cognitive blind spot when it comes to shit like that because they put THEMSELVES in the killers shoes, and they bring their own limitations/perspectives/shortcomings into the equation. I dont think blogger RL would intentionally mislead people. Richard Allen, 50, of Delphi, is facing two counts of murder. Hard to believe. Bevard is Mike Bevard friend of Cody Patty, Libbys stepbrother, who made himself very suspicious with some off-color Tweets these have been well-documented. The problem with Masons is that the lower levels are well-meaning, good-intentioned men who care about community. Interesting post as always and I admit, I was wrong about Chadwell. 11 -There was no further recording that was clearly discernible. Doesnt that alleged white scarf leap off the screen like it has more mass than a scarf would normally have? Shawn Harmon Continues to state that his father and his own son are the people in the sketches, and that his father is the man known as BG captured on video crossing the bridge. DELPHI, Ind. There are strong rumors of trafficking activity going on in the Monticello/Delphi/Lafayette region, as both Chicago and Indianapolis are within fair proximity. Who knows? There are also the usual darker accusations of the photos being doctored, but we are used to that stuff. One of the themes is dolls in Camwells and Eric Alters videos. As for the bloody clothes, the perp may have been naked, then washed in the creek and then re-clothed himself. Not sure how to send pictures, or if I ha e to be a member. I myself followed a rat hole about one particular suspect, EA, who I was sure had done it. Presumably this killed all the DNA because thats what it does. The park used to be a well-known camping area but was shut down years before, as it attracted some undesirable people (meth, crime, etc.). If in fact Evansdale is connected. Libby's grandfather Mike Patty added: 'Thisis not something anyone should go through. If hes going at five year intervals, yes the next attack will be in 2022, unless he has stopped. He was fired from his job as a police officer and they ransacked his apartment. I believe this killer to be very ritualistic, punctual specific to job. The murdered girls, who attended Delphi Community Middle School where they played saxophone and volleyball together, had visited the bridge before the day they died. He checks a lot of the boxes as a potential suspect wondering if he could be an accomplice? The person thought to have created that account is Kegan Kline; he is already in custody on child porn charges, and was free and living not far from Delphi when Abigail and Liberty were murdered. To further muddy the waters, the Reddit moderator you mention has said that Abigail survived the attack because the killer did not check to see that she was dead. Great work on the Evansdale connection/theory BTW, Lindsay. Searchers can walk through a crime scene or trample evidence without ever realizing it. We will not say how we obtained this document. Im wondering if this is why the cops said that there is no need for the public to worry. Chadwell is not considered a suspect in the Delphi Murders. Need to be delicate here but good friend of mine who the woman knows was following along this convo messaged me and said that none of that is true about the dolls and provided backup proof. Presenter posts Home Secretary warns political correctness has created a 'blind spot' for Islamist extremism to operate 'This is not the way to conduct an interview': Smiling Iranian foreign minister says women in his country Now the CHICKENS could get vaccines! Talmadge Jasper Lafayette, IN murderer who killed his ex-girlfriends boyfriend. Pretty sure if anyone posts that Abigail survived for some hours after the attack she will delete it. February 13 is 2/13. By Jennifer Smith, Chief Reporter For Dailymail.Com, Published: 14:25 GMT, 10 February 2022 | Updated: 13:13 GMT, 13 February 2022. One shudders to think of how it might have been used. Outlets for the Weichman pig company exist in both crime locations. We have been told that LE also went back to another state to check out another criminal who had been committing crimes with a hatchet. 2-13 again. A change of clothes could easily be carried in this way, and the bloody clothes also disposed of after packing them out of the area upon departure. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Journalist ine Cain and attorney Kevin Greenlee have been reporting on the 2017 double homicide of Libby German, 14, and Abigail Williams, 13, for almost two years on their smash-hit podcast The Murder Sheet. This further suggests someone skilled in killing with a knife. The three cities rest along the Cedar River and seem to have grown into one another, which has created a larger metropolitan area. Superb comment, Paul. Committed suicide in Peru, IN. Many have discounted and disagreed with this theory, but I still think it is viable. If you think that interpretation is strange and we are just seeing things, note that our interpretation of what looks like a knife stuck into either the girls shoulder or the log next to it has been confirmed by a female search party member. So it makes sense that he muddles his description of the bodies. Never could find out what it was about. An Indiana man who killed himself after a five-hour standoff with police is being investigated as a possible suspect in the unsolved 2017 double slaying of two young girls. Its still an interesing theory about shacks or barns. Why do you think they get accused in the first place? And if BG was covered with blood, how did he get it off his clothing? They were murdered when they fought back and set the killer(s) into a rage. In an interview on Thursday morning with Good Morning America,Doug Carter, Superintendent of the Indiana State Police, said: 'My resolve to catch him is as strong now as it was day one. 3. No backpack straps appear on the front of his body, but he may be carrying a backpack beneath his jacket. In fact, between May and December of 2016, Altmeyer had attempted to lure dozens of underage girls into his car; at times, actually succeeding. Let us know if you wish to join the private sleuthing site where we can go into a lot greater detail than we can here. impression that BG had the girls cross the creek before killing them. This is what made me think that maybe some of the people involved were lookouts. DELPHI, Ind. It happenedto our family, I don't want it to happen to anybody else. The search party member did not specifically reference that stuffed animal, but she did say there was a very large toy at the scene, possibly a stuffed animal, that was so large that BG could not possibly have been carrying it with him on the bridge that day. So we believe that the photo is vindicated in a sense. Hope you may find this useful. The photos are very compelling but one thing doesnt make sense: You say both girls were unclothed and positioned the same way, except Liberty had a bra on. Its nothing but pixels, they say. This man is a sick fuck. It is possibly a ruse, or perhaps a doppelganger, but there appears to be an older brother, or relation, who is frequently being confused with Mr. X in videos and descriptions I see on the internet. I believe there may have been something said by LE about BGs eyes being blue? I believe that the person he worked in conjunction with is a younger family member, one that looks up to him as a father figure, may have been on the receiving end of his wrath once or twice and probably suffers from some type of mild mental illness or addiction. We always wondered what was so solid about this alibi. A hatchet? I presume most or us have seen the additional footage released last year. Plus, if the staging/dolls/stuffed animal rumors are true, how did the perp(s) have that much time to complete this? At least one girl in each set lived part-time with a grandparent. But I got some good ones to show ya. After viewing the video of BG again, I should correct myself and be more precise. We are quite upset at Leaker for flaking out on us like that, but we believe a ready explanation is available. Cleared. I dont hear praise like that often enough! Their new suspect, Mr. X, is a much better suspect for Evansdale than Klunder. It could be something as asinine as the sky was a shade blue off that day for all we know. EXCLUSIVE: Distraught mother waited 27 hours after calling NHS 111 but still didn't get to speak to a doctor Jeremy Vine reveals his 'first collision of the year' and it's caused by a cyclist! We can also reveal that the following information can be gleaned from this document: LE is looking for photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, and/or film. The car, a silver-gray 2004 Ford Focus, was easy to catch up to, but the driver tried to distance himself from the pursuing vehicle when he realized that he had been caught. However, we continue to believe he is basically correct in his leaks despite his recent flakery. Also, if I were the victims families, I would file a suit against the City of Delphi and/or Carroll County (based on who had jurisdiction) for negligence leading to wrongful death. Despite Evansdale having a population of just under 5,000, more than 100,000 people live in the immediate vicinity; giving it a small-town feel but having all the benefits of a much-larger suburbia. -Abby apparently hurries to other side of bridge. The rumors: This is actually some very shocking news, but it all makes sense. Also, if you keep trained searchers up all night when there is a decreased likelihood of success, they may well be unavailable during the day or at the very least will be operating much less effectively. You know how we are in California; If it drops below 70 we panic. I wish the person(s) who donated the extra $100k (+/-) wouldve used that $ to hire a REAL private investigator (someone like a Bo Dietl) that would blow this case wide open! Taking BGs apparent age at ~50, he would have been ~45 when he did Evansdale. Cops pursue innocent suspects all the time in cases like this. Of course, that doesnt mean he did it. Can you solve this trivia riddle? So were not real concerned about Leaker flaking on us like that, although it shows immature and flaky behavior on his part to change his story like that. If so, we dont have much time till this subhumans next attack. Which would not be possible if the phone was smashed up by BG. I think I deleted most of that stuff. Knowing the whole time the person that ended up being arrested wasnt even mentioned by any of the wannabe sleuths. A family member was on their w We keep falling back on understandable motives because our minds cant fathom some guy just doing this stuff to get his rocks off, but thats whats going on here. People on the internet being sloppy or trying to develop theories is one thing. I see it a little differently. Body locations for both crimes are fishing/hunting/outdoorsman spots. As you can see, there are references to a shack, from the very first social media post about the crime from Josh Lank which said that the girls were found in a shack to Carters bizarre press conference in which he referenced a movie called The Shack. Its not 4-H for adults; its serious shit. I think our brains dont like unknown information about people communicating to us, and theres a tendency of our minds to fill in the blanks, right, wrong, or indifferent. Until then, the only suspect was James Chadwell. She told this woman all of the very same things that she told me. (, Girls were posed in both cases, in a sexual manner in Delphi and possibly in Evansdale also. I knew this would happen. In 2013, he kidnapped two girls in Dayton, Iowa, not far from Evansdale. Technology changes. The boots seized by LE in the bomb threat raid on Indiana Packers are thought to be the exact type of boots that BG was wearing. I got this from a Facebook group from which I am a member in good standing. There are signs for both Myers Lake and Delphis trails in each town and I believe also from both highways or overpasses nearby. She may have hidden it in a tree. He lives 5 mins away via car or he could of taken an ATV if he has one. Re: #2 It is possible that no blood soaked clothing was ever found or seen because he stripped naked to do everything he did to them and then he washed away all of the blood in the creek before redressing. We havent been able to confirm it. People with access to that kind of info/knowledge or at least how to access that info if they arent local can only be a limited group. Theres hardly anything known about that case because surprise surprise LE isnt saying shit about it to the public. That is the mark of the Devil. Gematria is important to everything that luciferians do. Please point me in the right direction if that occurs. It was initially believed the sketch that has been in public view over the last two years of a person in the age range of his 40's to 50's was a person of interest in this murder investigation. Garrett Kirts, Ashley Garth Monticello, IN murder couple who killed Ray Hanish. They call the guy DP and he is a person who was at the bridge/trails at the time and has been considered an eye witness. No one else has come close to uncovering the amount and quality of information we have. IP boots are waterproof and extend up to the knee. We dont know if he had a backpack or not. The longer someone waits to tell about something, the more likely it is that false information creeps in, even unintentionally.

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