psalm 133 the passion translationpsalm 133 the passion translation

The aim of TPT is to re-introduce the passion and fire of the Bible to the English reader (p. 7). He is even more expansive later on (e.g., 18:2434 take 290 words to the NIVs 169). [9] Because any theme is inevitably interpreted in the light of the distinctive set of values maintained by each culture or society, one must expect that events will never be mere events, any more than words are mere words. When it says Aramaic it generally means Syriac a confusion that some Syriac versions themselves perpetuate but from a text-critical point of view the difference is important. So why would I fear the future? 2 It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron's beard, down on the collar of his robe. In truth, The Passion Translation is a re-worded and re-written Bible, apparently intended to support a particular strain of theology. A shepherd is one to takes care of sheep. The most radical cases of alteration involve the complete rewriting of a line or couplet, often resulting in a different meaning (e.g., the rewriting of Ps 18:25 as Lord, it is clear to me now that how we live / Will dictate how you deal with us, as the first element of the verses double translation). That is why I always have more than enough. life forevermore. (London: Mowbray, 1953), 116. However, passions are another story. dripping down upon his beard and running all the way down It means neither. when Gods people live together in unity! The softening in TPT of Ps 22:1 Why would you abandon me now? is explained by an addition to the biblical text in v. 24: He was there all the time.. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is However, by eliminating the poetic techniques of parallelism and juxtaposition, TPT denies the reader the chance to follow the particular logic of the psalms. It is like the dew of Hermon, This specifically speaks to the tribes of Israel that live in harmony, but it also applies to believers today. Its the nature of these insertions as well. My life is anointed with the fragrance of the Holy Spirit. Flowing down Aarons beard, As Ps 117 TPT says (but the Bible does not), Let it all out! 1 Lord, you know everything there is to know about me. Along the way I will also make reference to other psalms. You become my delicious feast even when my enemies dare to fight. Sign up for daily inspiration today!>, Follow Christ's journey to the Cross. Your authority is my strength and my peace. Omission is rare, and mostly consists of the repeated words and phrases that characterise Hebrew parallelism. The original text of the holy scripture we alter not, either by adding, taking away or changing of any letter or syllable, for any private purpose; which were not only a thing most wicked and sacrilegious, but also vain and impossible. 13 The same way a loving father feels toward his children that's but a sample of your tender feelings toward us, your beloved children, who live in awe of you. Judging from The Psalms alone, I would say that it would be a Christian sect, and that unlike the Mormon cult its scriptures will point its adherents to saving faith in God the Son, the crucified and risen Lord Jesus. To give one more example, in Ps 74:3a the Syriac has servants (bd) instead of the Hebrew steps (), possibly because the Syriac translator read the word in his Hebrew source-text (pl means to labour in Syriac). One key principle holds this mixed picture together: Right emotion flows from right knowledge of God. [3] Nothing illustrates this better than his willingness to use Augustines translations (e.g., in Ps 9:1), when it is well known that Augustine creatively adapted Latin translations of Greek Psalms manuscripts of such poor quality that sometimes they made no sense at all. He searches the dictionary, and sometimes apparently his imagination, for ways to insert new ideas that happen to align with his goals, regardless of their truthfulness. They do this first, by making Davids rejoicing something he will do conditionally on being rescued; second, by identifying Gods goodness to David with the therapeutic benefits of his suffering; and third, by the invention of two entire lines at the end that make the theme of the psalm the triumph of Davids confidence in the face of his enemies skepticism. which flows down upon the hills of Zion. flowing down the collar of his priestly robes. Studie True Christian Religion (Chadwick translation) # 0 neben True Christian Religion (Chadwick translation) # 256 und True Christian Religion (Chadwick translation) # 156 English etina Nederlands Franais Italiano Portugus Pycc Srpski . Version. And the gloomy final verse of Psalm 39 becomes Dont let me die without restoring / Joy and gladness to my soul. What results from this process may still technically count as a translation of the psalms, because there are many ways to translate, including impressionistic and reader-responsive translations. Solo versions think The Message, or the J. which falls on the mountains of Zion! Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that falls on the mountains of Zion. (not talking about personal attacks against my family and things or me), fear Read the Bible, discover plans, and seek God every day. will be found, the promise of life forevermore! O Yah!. For when the spirit of death wrapped chains around me and terrifying torrents of destruction overwhelmed me, taking me to deaths door, to dooms domain, I cried out to you in my distress, the delivering God, and from your temple-throne you heard my troubled cry. YouVersion uses cookies to personalize your experience. Double translations of single words and clauses: Love becomes passionately love (v. 1); rock becomes Bedrock beneath my feet (v. 2); torrents becomes terrifying torrents (v. 4); the snares of death becomes to deaths door, to dooms domain (v. 5); my voice becomes my troubled cry (v. 6); blameless becomes loyal and true. The only exception to this is when a generally accurate translation strays from faithfulness in order to introduce a bias, or tendency. Linguistically TPT is just as questionable. This harmony can be compared to the dew More versions King James Version. This is a basic fallacy, which falsely assumes that the Hebrew = shine must be the same word as = praise, just because they look the same. and onto the border of his robe. that was poured over Aarons head, 0 Shares. Version. What's in this chapter? It is like the dew of Hermon, You are mindful that we're made from dust. psalm 119 passion translation close. Jesus, too, shared the emotions common to humanity, both negative and positive. The cords of the grave coiled around me;the snares of death confronted me. Daily Bible Reading - March 2020 God's Life-Giving Word Of Prayer. Ill never be lonely, for Indeed, that is where Yahweh has decreed his blessings Like the dew of Hermon, (3) Through the canonical rule of the original words. cutter backyard bug control fogger how long does it last; dairy products suddenly taste bad For there the LORD has commanded the blessing, Fatally for Simmonss passion programme, the emotions TPT seeks to evoke do not arise naturally from the word of God, but are artificially introduced. How truly wonderful and delightful it is to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity! 4 Even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! A good example is the New World Translation of the Jehovahs Witnesses. They pull at us so that we will give in to them. We may then contrast a linguistic translation, which is legitimate, and a cultural translation or adaptation, which is not.10. "It is a wonder seldom seen, therefore behold it! presence I carry and changes and transforms the atmosphere around me. This is a relatively minor error for Simmons, because at least the three words in question go back to a single word (horn). It is context that adds the required precision of meaning, not double translation, which only serves to distance the reader from the original. Behold, how good and pleasant it is fight. The Septuagint, ignored by Simmons, has yet another reading (hands), which suggests an ancient interpretive struggle here, possibly due to a textual uncertainty. to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity! The Passion Translation New Testament with Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Songs, 2020 Edition Published by BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC The Passion Translation is a registered trademark of Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. They must be sung and chanted with entire simplicity, just as they are, so that the Spirit, Who spoke by the saints, recognizing the selfsame words that He inspired, may join us in them too.6. The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defines passion as: a very strong feeling of sexual love, a very strong belief or feeling about something, or a very strong liking for something. Good Christians should want to go to more accurate translations, and not ever use this deviant version. In short, Simmons makes a false claim when he states that TPT will re-introduce the passion and fire of the Bible to the English reader. Its the other way round Simmons is trying to introduce the passion and fire beloved of his own culture into the Bible. First, it is a solo effort. ), The Message Bible, Dusty Rose Floral Large Print Leather-Look - Slightly Imperfect, The Message Raspberry Blossom, Personal Size + Topical Concordance, The Message Large-Print Devotional Bible, softcover - Slightly Imperfect, The Message Devotional Bible LeatherLike, Brown, The Message, Large Print, Brown Trio Leather-Look. The Lord is my best friend, the one who takes care of me, heals my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. To be in Christ means being shaped by the Word of God, which includes our emotions (Col 3:16). I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, For when the spirit of death wrapped chains around me. Publisher's summary: Confraternities were the most common form of organized religious life in medieval and early modern Europe. February 26, 2023 . Its equivalent to translating He bowed before the Queen as He bent forward before the Queen like the front of a ship, because two unrelated words just happen to be spelled bow. ), NLT One Year Chronological Study Bible, Softcover, NLT Premium Value Thinline Bible, Filament Enabled Edition-- soft leather-look, brown, NLT Girls Life Application Study Bible--soft leather-look, teal/pink with flowers, NLT Chronological Life Application Study Bible, Hardcover, NLT Giant-Print Personal-Size Bible, Filament Enabled Edition--soft leather-look, rustic brown, NLT One Year Chronological Study Bible, Hardcover. The famous line in Psalm 22:16, they pierced my hands and feet (Dead Sea scrolls, Syriac, Septuagint), reads like a lion my hands and feet in the MT; Simmons uses both lion and pierce, the latter twice over for good measure. See the chapter. This translation will evoke an overwhelming response in every reader, unfolding the deep mysteries of the Scriptures. The Passion Translation is a modern, easy-to-read Bible translation that unlocks the passion of God's heart and expresses his fiery lovemerging emotion and life-changing truth. Psalm 30 is about God healing us from the inside out. And as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: and trans. However, Simmons has strayed so far outside Nidas programme that his work would not be recognised as legitimate by any Bible translation society in the world, past or present. Indeed, that is where Yahweh has decreed his blessings I will yet celebrate with passion and joy There are three main ways, all closely related to one another. And there the . go ahead, let it all out! They long to direct our lives in place of the Holy Spirit.12. 3 May the Lord, whom you worship, Thus there are no tents in TPT 106:25, no Canaan in 106:38, etc. Running down on the beard, Not that Simmons believes that our emotions make God himself more real. The Hebrew Masoretic text of the Psalms (MT) preserves an old and accurate text, but it does contain copying errors and other damage, which we can often correct with the help of other ancient manuscripts. It is like the precious oil [of consecration] poured on the head, Some types of change are very frequent, such as the conversion of [a] speech about God or others into speech to God (nine times in the psalm); [b] metaphor into simile (once); [c] concrete images into more abstract ones (about ten times, including the elimination of feet, deer, path, bow, rock, shield); and [d] the removal of historical references (including the removal of about half the references to enemies and nations). And there the LORD has pronounced his blessing, But TPT is not a Bible, and any church that treats it as such and receives it as canon will, by that very action, turn itself into an unorthodox sect. They are always colored by associations, and evaluated in terms of the emotive reactions of people (Nida and Taber, Theory and Practice, 98). Sometimes even Gods own character is impugned, e.g., TPT Ps 106:23, 26, So you were fed up and decided to destroy them so you gave up and swore to them. If the same material was marketed as a "commentary" or as a "study guide," it would still be concerning. Clearly Simmonss preferred style is not that of the Hebrew poets, who build argument through the juxtaposition of parallel ideas: The cords of the grave coiled around me (v. 5) is omitted following a very similar line in v. 4; I cried out (v. 6b) is omitted following I called (v. 6a). Other pieces of dehistoricizing and spiritualizing are more theologically loaded. when Gods people live together in peace! to the hem of his priestly robes. Its as precious as the sacred scented oil 2 His passion is to remain true to the Word of "I AM," meditating day and night on the true revelation of light. The whole point of meaning-based translation is that a sentence is more translatable than a word. Simmonss caricature of God as the King who likes and enjoys you (Introduction, p. 5) eliminates all but one facet of Gods feelings about us, and then gets that one wrong. Healing is and can be a very vulnerable process, that puts us in a position where we must choose betwee. What these very different internal states have in common is that they tend to overwhelm us and control our behaviour. a. The Aramaic Targums are based on the same Hebrew text, but often insert interpretations into the text, so that Jews did not consider them to be Scripture.2 Our oldest copy of the Aramaic Psalms is from after 800 AD. Psalm 50:6 is a good example (comparing ESV and TPT): The heavens declare his righteousness, And the heavens respond: for God himself is judge! It can produce clear, faithful and accurate translations, but the method needs to be carried out with care to prevent meaning from being lost in the transfer process. Inherit the land (Ps 37:9, 11) becomes live safe and sound with blessings overflowing in v. 9 and inherit every promise in v. 11. And in Psalm 22 the bulls of Bashan in v. 12 become forces of evil, and the dogs in v. 20 become demons. And the problem is not simply that actual references to emotional states in the Hebrew Psalms are multiplied until they completely and wrongly dominate the whole book. Even Aaron's beard: That went down to the skirts of his garments; He is trying to make the Bible value something that we value the feeling of being overwhelmed by a strong emotion in spite of the strong stance the Bible consistently takes against this exact thing. It is so beautiful. I love this , and the writer Amen , From Arica , Namibia -Windhoek This is how far the Spirit Travel. 30, 35) is unjustifiable, and the footnotes claim that shield means to wrap around in protection is incorrect. [1] Brian Simmons, The Psalms: Poetry on Fire, The Passion Translation (Racine, WI: BroadStreet, 2014). Emotions are a contentious topic in Christian theology, because they are both powerful and morally ambiguous. The word , meaning an animal horn, is frequently used as a metaphor of strength (e.g., Ps 75:11; 89:17; 92:10, etc.). For in all of this you have strengthened my soul. 1 How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity! It might seem intuitively true that when a Hebrew word does not have a precise English equivalent, what is needed is to use more than one English word. It's like costly anointing oil flowing down head and beard, Flowing down Aaron's beard, flowing down the collar of his priestly robes. It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, Part 2. Of course, many of these are not part of the text, but there are many vigorous, fresh and accurate translation choices that do faithfully reflect major theological themes, such as Yahweh now reigns as king! (Pss 93:1; 97:1). He rounds off Psalm 150 by inserting crescendo of ecstatic praise. The Greek Septuagint is by far the oldest and most important non-Hebrew witness to the original. Of David. and the quiet brook of bliss. In his listing of major genres in the Psalms (themes, pp. Psalms 134, The Passion Translation (TPT) The Night WatchA song of the stairwayAll his loving priests who serve and sing,come and sing your song of blessing to God.Come and stand before him in the hou. In short, altered Psalms cease to be Spirit-inspired Scripture. flowing down the slopes of Zion. The word passion is used to translate a wide range of Greek and Hebrew words whose meaning spans craving, strong desire, lust, jealousy, rage, or anguish. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is The Passion Translation The Night Watch A song of the stairway 134 All his loving priests who serve and sing, come and sing your song of blessing to God. (1) Unity among God's people is good and pleasant. Charles Hartshorne for the Parker Society (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1843), 11. Simmons aims for an overwhelming response to the truth of the Bible, but does it by generating emotion that is foreign to Scripture and using it to whip us up into a response that is not shaped by the word. How wonderful and pleasant it is Even when the path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness 5 Then I . And he even uses it to translate words as neutral as people, e.g., Ps 95:7, where we are the people of his pasture becomes we are the lovers he cares for.. But I know that I have one in you! The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; Youre as real to me as Bedrock beneath my feet. You are my satisfaction, Lord, and all that I need. And this means that all translation involves interpretation. TPT: The Passion Translation . The examples show ESV TPT: Many English versions occasionally replace concrete images with more abstract explanations [c], according to their translational goals. See also pp. Loretta Ricketts. The NIV, ESV, CSB and even The Message all take between 108 and 110 words to translate Psalm 18:16; Simmons takes 164. It was formerly a print journal operated by RTSF/UCCF in the UK, and it became a digital journal operated by The Gospel Coalition in 2008. No one must allow himself to be persuaded, by any arguments whatever, to decorate the Psalms with extraneous matter or make alterations in their order or change the words themselves. Like a river bursting its banks, Im overflowing with words (45:1). Corporate author : International Scientific Committee for the drafting of a General History of Africa Person as author : Ki-Zerbo, Joseph [editor] His loving commandments are for our good. psalm 119 passion translation. Coming down upon the beard, Taking me to deaths door, to dooms domain; The most common source of extra words is double and even triple translation. That would not be paraphrasing in my thinking." He continued, "With The Passion Translation, we have a high goal of being accurate to the text, but accuracy involves the heart behind it. It would be like having a Greed Translation, or a Lust Translation. flowing down the collar of his priestly robes. These changes can become perilous. The Greek word in question () means word, teaching or saying; thrice in the Bible it means oracle. Its as precious as the sacred scented oil. New Living Translation (NLT). gives me all I can drink of Himself until my heart overflows. 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